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Multiple Totals

Display one ore more totals. Or, use math to control a total.

infographic feat multi totals mike


Several ways are available for displaying multiple totals. You may display subsection totals as well as use a shortcode to supply the calculator total anywhere else on the site/page.

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Section Totals

Display the subtotal on the frontend of an entire section.

Manually Display Total w/ Shortcodes

Display the calculator total cost again somewhere else on the page using a shortcode.

[scc_calculator-total type=’text’ idvalue=’2’]

*replace the calculator ID with your ID.

Combine Calculators

Combine two or more calculator totals that are on the same page.

[scc_calculator-total combine=’5,7′ currency-symbol=0]

*replace the calculator ID with your ID.

Custom Math for Multiple Totals

Add, subtract, multiply or divide a calculator total. This is great to show a monthly price of the calculator displaying a yearly, monthly, or weekly price breakdown.

[scc_calculator-total type=’text’ invalue=’2′ apply-math=”add:21″]

[scc_calculator-total type=’text’ invalue=’2′ apply-math=”substract:2″]

[scc_calculator-total type=’text’ invalue=’2′ apply-math=”divide:2″]

[scc_calculator-total type=’text’ invalue=’2′ apply-math=”multiply:20″]

*replace the calculator ID with your ID.

What Are Some Use Cases?

Here are some of the resources and tools you will have access to as soon as you become a member of Prosper.

Compare Scenarios

Comparing two scenarios with two different calculators on the same page with the totals next to each other.

Compare Products and Services

Comparing two products/services by having two different calculators on the same page with the totals next to each other.

Monthly Vs Yearly Pricing

Have one calculator show the monthly price and the other show the yearly price.


You can use the custom math feature of the multiple totals to show a percentage. Do this using the divideBy function.

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